Yes. It is true. At some point in my life I have done something to cause the forces of nature to be very unhappy with me. Perhaps it was one too many complaints about the eternally long winters with Alaskan-magnitude dreariness and unbroken permafrost. Perhaps it was the time that I shot from the hip with my Daisy Red Rider BB gun at a passing butterfly and completely bisected him in mid-flight with a "lucky" shot (not so lucky for the butterfly).
The reason I think this must be the case is that I really really really want to work in my yard on my non-Sunday day off. Exhibit A: Every day off for the past 2+ months - literally every single one - with the excecption of one decent day when I had a wonderful stomach flu (more natural sabotage?) imported to our household by our school kids - has been completely stinky. For the last two weeks, I have taken to working around the rain, under the hovering, brooding threat of poorly timed (uncannily poorly timed) precipitation. This week, I had to try to work on a different day to finish what I couldn't do on my day off. I got really close to finishing what I wanted to do before I ran out of daylight but with a late start at work the next day, I thought it would be no problem to get up, spend another 30-45 minutes on the leftovers and be done with it all for a few days. Unfortunately, I awoke to blustery and rainy disappointment. Now, it seems, Mother Nature's disdain for me is motivating her to exercise her volatile vendetta against me on other days.
Don't get me wrong. I like a green lawn and water to drink and showers. Even so, I sometimes say a grudging "Amen" when I hear someone pray and give thanks for/ask for the "moisture" that we have received/need. That is partly because I think of moisture as something that occurs in our armpits and what we get from the clouds is actually called precipitation. The other part of my bitter attitude is because I just think if she tried a bit harder to be nice, Mother Nature's delivery would be better tolerated by all.
So now, after an openly hostile rant, I suppose I should offer a pubic apology to the powers that be for whatever offense I have given. Sorry . . . (sorry that you have such a useless approach to your job here - HA!) But seriously, here's hoping for blue skies and one whole 24-hour period that coincides with my schedule before my life is over. Perhaps before the next winter comes, we may even have two sunny days in a row. B